Title: 50 Sentences (I am creative) Rating: PG-13 for implied sex (and possibly language?) Genre: Varied Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean Paring: Davy/Calypso Word Count: 1,314
I feel like I am among friends. I adore Tia. I adore Davy.
I have a couple of pictures of Madame Tia and Monsieur Davy that I thought I'd share. I've tried putting these behind cuts but am having problems. Hope these work.
I came across this link while doing a bit of internet searching. They claim to have totally explained Tia, but... while there are entertaining tidbits of trivia, I doubt she can ever be "totally" explained *smiles*
I was searching around on Wikipedia for background on the Brethren Court to write the second and last installment of Davy Jones' journal entry concerning his decision to tell the court how to imprison Tia Dalma in human form. I found this on Wikipedia
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One of the big reasons why I became a Tia Dalma fan is because of something maybe not a lot of people would think is very important...but to me, it was. Very rarely do you see a beautiful woman of color as the love object ( I don't just mean lust, I mean romantic love as well) of a white man from that generation way back when. Most women of color
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Here's an interesting TV spot with a major spoiler. It's very quick but I think it gives quite a lot away. If you didn't catch it, look at the note below.
*Spoiler* Immediately after seeing the hands on the map, there is a quick cut of Tia in the dark and Davy Jones materializing through what appear to be jail bars.